Make it Perfect
Whether you're working toward publishing a manuscript or you're finalizing marketing copy and need a keen eye, Glasswing Editing is here to help. I offer a wide array of editing services including proofreading, copyediting, and developmental editing to ensure your writing has everything it needs to be a success.
Not sure what service would be best for you? Here's the breakdown:
Correct errors in spelling
Correct errors in grammar
Correct errors in punctuation
Correct errors in syntax
Correct errors in spelling
Correct errors in grammar
Correct errors in punctuation
Correct errors in syntax
Light rewording
Basic check for inconsistencies
Monitor for repeated or overused words
Developmental Editing
Correct errors in spelling
Correct errors in grammar
Correct errors in punctuation
Correct errors in syntax
Heavy rewording (as needed)
In-depth check for inconsistencies
Monitor for repeated or overused words
Find plot holes
Fact check through research
Suggestions for deeper character development
Suggestions for better storytelling
Suggestions for more powerful storyline
Suggestions for stronger audience connection

About Glasswing Editing, LLC
Glasswing Editing, LLC specializes in developmental editing, copyediting, and proofreading services for authors and businesses alike. Glasswing currently helps clients across the country by providing them with the confidence of knowing that their manuscripts and marketing materials are perfect!
About Morgan
Let's Chat
Looking to get started with editing or proofreading? I'd love to talk more about your needs and how I can help. Click the Let's Chat button below to get started.
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Fill out the form below, and I'll get back with you ASAP!